Sunday, July 13, 2014

Getting Locked Out

The previous week I had the splint changed out for a cast. I felt my arm sliding up and down and felt my wrist wasn't getting support which caused a lot of pain. Went in on Monday and a new cast was made that went about an inch higher.  I still had the same problem. Then one more time, two days later, the wrapping and cast were made a little tighter and it is about three inches above my elbow. I thought it was two weeks from the first cast, but it was only one!  This is going to be a long period!  I'm trying to keep my mind off of it. Kind of hard to do because I can feel it and it is uncomfortable.

My daughter Ronda helped me take a shower while she was here. I learned from that and set myself up like she had.  It worked. I used the IV pole with an exercise rubber band to hold up my cast in a plastic bag. I have a shower chair and made sure everything was within hands reach. It worked!  What a relief!  So cleanliness is not going to be a problem.

My daughter Ronda was set to leave Monday night at seven pm. That morning I get an email that the flight was completely changed to Tuesday morning at 5:50  a.m.. I was feeling overwhelmed with this hour and discussed her taking a taxi. She called one that agreed to pick her up at 4:00 am.  Ronda called later in the day after leaving and said there was something wrong with the plane in Denver and they had everyone get off while they found another plane. She didn't get home until 7:00 pm, but I was relieved it did work out.

In the mean time I set up my schedule and bought my tickets to see my brother Ben and my friend Lynn Repasky.  If my trip has any of the problems my daughter had, I will never use United Airlines again.  I am doing it from Bakersfield because I'm not sure I can handle a complicated trip.

Art class was good as usual. I did not work on my barn at all. Perhaps later. Now we are working on a waterfall.

I ended up getting a sore throat and fever which went on from a head cold to a chest cold. I'm usually not around so many people, especially children that I had forgotten all the bugs going around.  I seem to usually miss this, but close contact breeds the bugs. 

My family and friends have helped a lot.  They have taken me to appointments, straightening things, cut veggies, etc.  it makes a big difference.

I have a little less pain. It's difficult  to focus on much else when I'm in pain. It needs to come down more, then I'll be able to focus on other stuff.  I'm hopeful that this is happening.

So it was a slow week which was appreciated. I didn't feel well enough to have much excitement.  But yesterday my front door refused to lock and I called a locksmith to fix it. When he came, I asked if he would rekeyi the lock into the garage which he did. Today I walked into the garage to get the bleach and found myself locked out if the house. I told my brother about this last time and he sent me something to hide my key.  I looked for an hour without luck and walked to my neighbors homes in my pajamas to see if someone would take me to Barbara's home since I didn't have her phone number. It was the fifth house that answered my knock. This is the first time I met Diane who said "how can I help you"?  She was very willing to drive me to Barbara's home. Unfortunately she wasn't home. Diane said I could use her computer. So I was able to get to Yahoo mail and my contacts were there. I called Sherry who luckily was in town. She was laughing over what happened, but came 15 minutes later to let me in and she found the key in its hiding place.  Diane and I agreed that we would exchange keys to have someone close by to help.

So that's it for the week. I'll see you next Sunday.      Rachel.

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