Barbara and I went to Urricchios for dinner and then the George Kahn Jazz and Blues Revue put on by the Bakersfield Community Concert Association. It was great! Janet was going to go but didn't feel well. It was so chilly I thought it would snow. Other people were thinking that too. We rarely get snow, but it does happen.
I had my art class with Carol. Wayne was there and another woman Rolene who has hung her art in the gallery. She wanted to work on drawing a lion. Wayne has done a beautiful portrait of a young girl - top notch! I worked on my lion and will frame it soon. My horse is not there yet, but it is improving. Jolene said the problem with the last picture of my horse was that the front legs were not below the withers. "What's a wither?. She pointed to a slight bum below the neck. It is good to have others in the class, because you get more feedback. Having Carol to myself helped me with the personal attention I needed then. Now Carol will be off having surgery and recovering, so no class until sometime in mid-March. I have plans to visit people out of the area during that time so I didn't sign up for any other art classes. I will work on what I have been doing.
My lion is finished. I like him! |
I have drawn my horse four times. It gets better each time. This was done on tracing paper because I transferred the part that was okay and changed some other parts. I got carried away adding detail. I will do it on good paper. Still needs work on it. |
My friend Victor came to go over what he had written. I felt it all hung together much better. We met at a new Sushi restaurant called Jin Sushi. I got sushi, a seaweed salad and saki. Very fresh and tasty. Vic had the Bibimbap and loved it. He got there early having car problems and walked around. He found some restaurants close by to try in the future. We went into a couple of antique stores. One had a lot of Red Hats. They were inexpensive so I bought a couple.
I became discombobulated on Friday. I got together with friends I used to work with in a cabin we rented for one night in Three Rivers. So getting ready to go, I was handling a lot of issues. Since I've had a mastectomy, I use a silicone breast prosthesis I put in my bra to make me even. When I took off to join my friends two hours away, I realized I left my purse at home. I had put some Tylenol PM in my purse because I don't sleep well without it. I had no money to stop and buy more. I had my iPhone because I was listening to a book. I got there at 3 pm, but the first to show up after me was Annemarie at 4:10. Soon after Lynette and her husband Simon showed up. My cell phone had poor reception, but the did get my message that I was there, I forgot my purse and I needed Tylenol. They sent me several messages, but I didn't get them. When we got inside the cabin, the temperature was 48 degrees F. They had a phone in the cabin and a router. I was able to get good WiFi reception. We called out other friend Marc to let him know we were there. He lives in Three Rivers and we were celebrating his 70th birthday. He had Benadryl which works well for sleep. Simon made a wonderful stew we had on a smashed baked potato, with a Kale salad and butternut squash. So now the cabin is toasty warm, so I remove my sweatshirt. As I'm walking around I have this sense that something was wrong. Well, I put the silicone breast prosthesis on the wrong breast looking incredibly lopsided! We played scrabble, drank wine and nibbled water crackers with goat cheese with red grapes and strawberries on the side.
Marc and Lynette playing Scrabble with a board for those of us with very bad vision. We are in the cabin we rented for the night. |
Lynette and Simon |
I have no idea why I didn't take a picture of Annemarie on this trip! But, she did give me this gorgeous pottery piece she made. I don't feel that deserving, but I love it. She wants a copy of the picture of my lion, so I will send her that. |
They also picked up a chocolate, chocolate cake with raspberry jam to wish him a happy birthday. We gave him a picture we took this last summer of us girls who worked with him. I left after breakfast (a wonderful frittata made by Annemarie) the next morning. The sky was getting very dark, indicating a significant weather change and I was going out to dinner with Janet and Barbara and then a concert.
Our present for Marc. We worked as a team with him. Annemarie framed it. Annemarie, Me and Lynette |
My granddaughter-in-law, Meagan posted this picture of Conner and Kason. I really can't tell them apart in a picture like this except for she said Conner fell asleep immediately, so that helps in identification.
Conner and Kason |
I found my purse in my study. It started raining within a half-hour of returning home. I worked some on my blog but also took a nap. Barbara picked me up and we met Janet at Bill Lee's, a popular Chinese restaurant in town. Janet gave us our tickets for the Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra and the Bakersfield College Choir. What an excellent show! Very professional playing by the orchestra and the choir was very good. By the time we got to the auditorium, I had lost my ticket! The three of us looked through my purse, pockets and around my seat. It was nowhere to be found! After explaining to the ticket taker what happened, they let me in. The conductor Stilian Kirov is from Bulgaria. He was young and full of energy. The audience connected to him, giving several standing ovations. It seemed that the orchestra was very responsive to his directing giving a wonderful performance. The program was Home for the Holidays, a nice mix of Christmas Music. Hannah, Janet's granddaughter was in the Bakersfield Choir. I feel proud of what Bakersfield is producing in the Arts! There was a time, I was not impressed. They have come a long way!
The Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra and The Bakersfield College Choir in the Harvey Auditorium at Bakersfield High School.
I'm heading up to the mountains to a potluck at my teacher's home in Kernville. I will go while it is daylight with the plan to come back tomorrow morning if the weather is okay. Carol told me to dress comfortably and warm. Good! That is what I would have done. I'm bringing the fixings for my green salad which goes over well wherever I take it.
That is it for the week. I haven't started wrapping anything for Christmas, so that is what I will be working on when I get home. I had been worried about doing too many things this weekend, but I had a break in between each event and that really makes the difference.
I hope you had a good week and I will see you next Sunday. Rachel