Sunday, April 26, 2015

Life off to a Rough Start

I've been watering my raised beds and saw I'm getting a tomato!  My veggies look healthy!  So here are pictures of what I planted.

I'm hanging mint and catnip, though it doesn't show up here
very well.

My tomato plant has one tiny tomato.
The Lavender and Dill are to attract bees.

My veggies and herbs are growing.  Those odd things are solar lights,
which will be nice at night.

I put in two drought tolerant plants that also flower and there is
Peppermint, Sage and Oregano here
  We had a Helping One Woman dinner in Visalia for Erica Munoz this month who lost her son.  Very sad.  I stayed at Martha's home.  There are so many peacocks there but it doesn't bother me when they are calling to each other.  The next morning we went to Susan's home.  She made French Toast and lots of other stuff.  As always, her food is fabulous.  I enjoy visiting with these women every month.  They are wonderful people.  I even got a chance to say hi to each of their husbands.  Very nice time!
My newest great grandson Kason has had a tough week. He became jaundiced and had a problem with his blood. He is getting phototherapy to bring down the jaundice.  He is fortunate to be able to do this at home. They are watching him closely. I'm hoping all will be okay. Meagan's mother and grandmother are in the same home which has been wonderful to giving support and helping her out.   My grandson Billy feels that Kason is doing better, so I'm going by that.  This has made me anxious.  And, of course, it has been very tough on them.

Meagan, Conner and Kason

Meagan is holding Kason, Conner is enjoying a bottle

Kason is such a little thing!

I went out to lunch with girlfriends Janet, Charmaine and Lisa at Luigi's.  I haven't been there for over thirty years, though I don't know why I wouldn't go sooner.  I'm glad I have friends to go to various restaurants.  They evidently specialized in a Bloody Mary, so I had one.   We decided to go up to Lisa's home in the country next month.  She has agreed to cut our hair (she just retired) if we bring the food.  That's a good deal.  So then I went home and promptly fell asleep sleeping 8 1/2 hours. Then I went back to sleep and  slept all night. That was so strange. I did feel fine waking  up the morning.  I have had these periods more frequently  when all I want to do is sleep.

My stepmom's Kate's birthday was Saturday.  I spent the weekend with her.  We went to the Norton Simon Museum to see a special display of art from the Musee d'Orsay in Paris, France.  There were three masterpieces included in this, The Artist's Mother by James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1871), The Card Players by Paul Cezanne ((c 1890-1895), and, Portrait by Emile Zola by Edouard Manet (c 1868)

Portrait of the Artist's Mother by Whistler

The Card Players by Cezanne

Portrait of Emile Zola by Manet

Kate needed to change the battery out on her alarm system.  Well neither of us has strength to squeeze the plastic holders to remove the battery and replace it.  A man was explaining to us how to do it on the phone, but it was beyond our ability.  They really thought we could do this.  So she has to pay someone to come over and change the battery.  Hopefully soon.  The other issue was to replace the water filter in her refrigerator.  So we did it and it seemed just fine until we looked down and saw water spreading all over the floor.  We had turned off the water when we started this.  On the second try, Kate stood by the shutoff valve ready to turn it off after we reset the filter in the slot.  I didn't have to yell.  It worked this time.  We decided if we have to do this again to have the towels ready and one person be by the shutoff valve just in case we have to turn it off again.

We also went to Blick's,  an art supply store to get some paints I needed for this next class and spray bottles.

I love going to museum stores because they have interesting things.  Carol Bradshaw wants us to work on evergreen trees, so I got a couple of books (I think for children) on doing trees and since we are starting flowers I bought one book for that.  Again, I don't have my art to show you this week.  I will work on it tomorrow to hand in on Tuesday.  So I wonder why I'm stalling on this?!

My daughter Ronda, whom I adopted when she was ten years old, said a man has been reaching out saying he served with her father in Vietnam.   Ronda so wants to tie in with family that this is very important to her.  I suppose he died, but she hears he has family in Fresno and wants to reach them to let them know that he had a daughter.

So that was my week.  I'm kind of tired, but I enjoyed it.  I hope your week went well.  We'll talk next week.           Rachel 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Birth and Death, the Cycle of Life

A woman on one of the Google+ communities that I am in, thought it was amazing that I would think I was fortunate now.  This is what she stated:  "Hi Rachel... It is amazing that you consider yourself "fortunate"..But it's certainly a small fortune for anyone reading your take on life and what it brings to us. Thank you!"

This is how I responded:  "Believe me, in the beginning, I did not feel fortunate. I cried a lot, I was frightened and angry. But when you have gone through it for over 15 years, have allowed yourself to think about what you have gone through, what scares you and makes you angry and work through those issues, your perspective changes. My life won't be what it was before, so I needed to make a life for my current circumstances. It is not a bad life.  In fact, there are really good parts which would not have happened had I not gone through this. So, yes, I'm fortunate to have made a life I feel is pretty good. Thank you for your comment." 

I cannot see myself as being special because I am sharing what I have been going through.  It seems the right thing to do and if someone was in my shoes with my life, I think they would think it is what they might do.  It helps me to sort out my thoughts on all this by sharing,  and thinking out loud. The feedback helps me to think further on it. I really do appreciate it. 

"It is a question of odds". This is what one of my earlier doctors was explaining to me when I was wondering why I was taking medications which made me feel really bad. He was explaining that they looked at the numbers to determine survival rates of different interventions.  So that is how I did it first time around. But, having gone through it again and again, I have put limits on what I would do again. I'm sure I'm still here because of the treatment I did get. I can decide to do things even if it makes me sick if I know there is an end to the treatment other than death or because the cancer came back and I have reached the point that I will not take something that makes me so sick until the end.  That does not make sense to me.  That doesn't make sense to me.  I want to be here as long as I can enjoy my life.  If I physically feel lousy all the time, I think it is time to stop the treatment.  So my priorities change as my situation changes. 

I had my last Healing Art class with Nina Landgraff at Bakersfield College We did a more complicated movement- moving smoothly, non-stop. This exercise,  if kept up regularly helps with concentration, creativeness and balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain.  There is another step that isn't on this one and that is to use a color on the outside (both sides), or a thicker pen that when you come to an intersection you do a weaving motion over, then under the next intersection.  make sure it is even every direction you go.  Keep moving your pen until it gets there.  Then we did a couple of Intuitive Paintings. They are really fun to do and I do enjoy getting my hands into it, though we used a brush more this time.  It is done in acrylic.  I also really like the idea of engaging in something like art or making marks which can affect my body and my brain. 

An Exercise to Increase your Brain/Body Connection

Nina Landgraff's Intuitive Painting of Wave Along the Shore in Acrylics
She Gave Me This Painting She Did!
My Version of the Intuitive Painting of Wave Along the Shore in Acrylics
This is My Intuitive Painting of Flowers in a Pot in Acrylics

At Carol Bradshaw's class at the Bakersfield Art Center, we worked on a different kind of watercolor wash. This is a streaked wash doing west into wet. I have a tendency to do things evenly Carol said,  "the mind wants to do this".  So I need to be more alert to me doing that to avoid it. It makes a blah, or even an unpleasant picture. It is also not likely in the natural world.   I will be adding more before class.

Wet on Wet doing a Streak Wash

This is a Wet on Wet Streaked Wash

This was the week in doing lots of plumbing repairs. It was fairly expensive, but I feel my home is more whole and substantial with this all done. 

My granddaughter Heather came over to help me put together the raised gardening beds for veggies. I ordered it through Costco and it slid together. Then we went to a nursery to get organic potting soil and something else to make it really lush. Heather and I spread it in the boxes. 

I had lunch with my friend Jeanne at La Costa de Mariscos sharing about people we remembered when we worked in hospice. Great time as usual. I would really love to get together with these people as a group some time.  We were incredibly fortunate because we had a supervisor who was very supportive. All the people there loved their work. We had a wonderful relationship and even got together outside of work. 

Then my friend Barb and I went to buy vegetable plants and herbs which we went back to plant in the same day. It looked beautiful!  Since then I added a few more then released praying mantis and ladybugs for some natural pest control.  So this is the finished project with my friend Barbara's and my granddaughter Heather's help.

Free-Standing Planting Beds from Costco with Veggies and Herbs in it.

The Taller One is Lavender to Attract Bees.  I Will Be Adding Dill for the Same Purpose
The Other Plant is a Second Tomato Plant.  I Will Get a Cage to Hold the Tomatoes

The next day I had no energy. After a workman left, I fell asleep in my armchair. I had called my friend Janet about meeting for dinner, but I woke up too late. I then fell back to sleep for three more  hours in that armchair and then went to bed.  I think I over did it the day before.

My friend Jody's cat Sweetum's died. I know this was very rough for her because he was a great companion as all of our pets are. She sent me wonderful stories about his antics. They were great stories.  I felt she could write a book about him. This was also the anniversary of my friend Janet's husband, Ron's death this week. Last Sunday was also the day of Paul's and my wedding anniversary. Lots of reminiscing and more grieving.  

So my second great-grandson was born on Saturday, April 18th. Meagan's water broke Friday. She was out of town at a special doctor's  appointment for Conner in Fresno.  They hurried to get back.  Meagan went from being dilated at 5 when they reached the hospital and reaching 10 in a half hour. So fast!  He just slipped out!   His name is Kason. He was born 7:40 AM on April 18, 19 inches long and weighing in at  5 pounds 13 ounces. Billy had to go out to buy him a premie outfit since newborn size was too big. I dropped by to see Meagan and Kason later that day.   Billy was also there and Meagan's mom Dainette. I was struck by how much Kason looked like his mom. When Conner was born, I felt he looked more like his dad. 

Kason is So Tiny!  It is Amazing Looking Down on A
Miniature Person!
Grandma Dainette is Holding Kason.  He Has Very Long Fingers!

Kason Has a Head of Hair!

Conner was with the people who care for him at day care with his sister Coco.  It is a regular day for him and as you can see, he is enjoying himself.  This is the same day his brother Kason was born.

Conner on the Day of his Brother Kason's Birth, April 18, 2015

So this has been an incredible busy and momentous week.  There was much more that happened, but these are the highlights.  I might just go lie down and take a nap!  My phone just went into French mode and I didn't set it there!  I changed it to United Kingdom English yesterday when my grandson Billy showed me now to change it.  So I'm trying Singapore English today.  I'm looking for what appeals the most.  I may just move it around.

So here you have it.  I hope your week went well or if you were going through rough times, you got the support you needed and will continue to get it.  I will see you here next week.  Thanks for reading.            Rachel

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Art to Reduce Stress

Did you know that it takes a gallon of water to produce one almond?  I didn't. Did you know that agriculture uses 80% of our state's water?  I didn't realize it was that high!  So if I cut my showers to half the time I do now, it isn't going to have that big an impact. I'm okay about not growing grass.  I do understand the need to cut back. It seems we have a much bigger problem because the water is going to run out. The water underground is being used now by agriculture. That took millions of years to develop. It hasn't taken long to use it up. Okay, end of my rant on our water situation. What I now want to figure out is what can I have instead of grass. I did get three waist level gardening units that I have to put together.  But it is small and I am going to grow my own veggies. My friend Barbara does this we will talk about each of us deciding on some veggies and sharing them.  My daughter Shelley is doing her vegetable garden too.  Now, they never did put in a backyard, but her picture is a little scary.

Kevin and Shelley's Vegetable Garden

It goes before the city council  to put in a watering schedule. If your street number ends in an even number, you may water your lawn Sunday , Wednesday and Friday. If your street number ends in an even number, your watering days are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  Businesses do not have limitations. Now if this is a serious drought, why would they not be included?  This seems very scary,  but, they are acting too casual.  Why is this?  Okay, end of my rant on our water situation.  If all the grass died, which it should with this, I want to think about how to make my  yard inviting without it costing a ridiculous amount of water.

My oven now works. The element I ordered did the trick. I called a plumber to see about the water getting to the fridge for water and ice in the door. Water comes to the door. Still have a problem with the ice maker. I left a message with the appliance repairman about coming back for that.  Next week the plumber is coming back to replace the pipes attached to the house. But, he needs to know where the emergency shut off valve is. I don't know where it is.  I messaged the water company. Their message is I need to call and make an appointment for them to come and turn it off, then turn it on. They got back to me too late. I'll call them Monday morning 

Major events happened this week.  My great-grandson Conner turned one and his sister Coco turned three. My friend Marykay's daughter Rachel (named after me) had her first child, her daughter Eva Ramona. I also had friends who married. I'm so happy for them!  And life goes on. 

My art class, called Healing Art with Nina Landgraff at Bakersfield College was good.  We stood up with our hands in a prayer position our eyes closed and noted which way we leaned. She then had us do a drawing exercise to help get ourselves in balance. She first had us drawing the number 8. She asked us to determine if the upper part was the same size and shape as the lower part.  So we turned it sideways still drawing over it to make them be more in line. Then she had us do it with our non-dominant hand.  Then we did two eights next to each other trying to keep the same proportions. Then we drew both eights at the same time using both hands at the same time. Then we outlined the eights at the top and where they join in the middle to make a heart. She said to do this daily until we could stand without being pulled any direction.   Mind and body interact with each other and the idea is to get them working for you instead of against you.  I love the idea.  I recommend this class for anyone in the area.  

Then we did a finger painting selecting two colors and white. I've included Nina's (she's our teacher)  and mine. Then she had us do a background with several colors, then draw some squiggly lines to make grape vines, then with our fingers put in grapes and then more squiggly lines that the vines use to hold the grapes. Also a couple of grape leaves. The ocean and lighthouse pictures are done by  spraying water over the paper and then making a white circle and come back with the bright color around it until it is only the bright color.  The dark color goes around all of this following the circle at the top and going back and forth at the bottom.  Then work in white for the reflection and come back on the sides for the rocks and lighthouse.  Then perhaps put a boat in the water and birds in the sky.  Fun!  I'm going to do more of this.  Only one more class, but I have really enjoyed it. Learning how the body and mind work together to help or hinder us can be helpful to get the resources on our side. I appreciate having that knowledge.  I liked practicing it too because you get a better sense of how to do it.  I will take it again if I am not overwhelmed with other events.  I have to pace myself.

Nina Landgraff's Finger Painting with  Acrylic

Nina Landgraff's Finger Painting with Acrylic

Nina Landgraff's Finger Painting with Acrylic

This is My Finger Painting with Acrylic

My Perspective is Way Off!
My Lighthouse is too big!  But it was supposed to be Fun and it was!

Class with Carol Bradshaw went well. I find it helps to watch her do it, though I feel I need to see it more than once. So we went over the graduated wash and then worked on a variable wash. She also gives wonderful tips to make our pictures even better. One she said was to go back to the mountain range and drop a little more color at the top of the range, but not solidly. It will make it look more real.  By the way, she recommended Mastering the Watercolor Wash by Joe Garcia.  Very helpful.  I think I am ready to frame the green peppers and the seaside port.  I'm still working on my butterfly- perhaps nesx weekend.

Carol Bradshaw's Layering Flat Washes
Carol Bradshaw's Layers of Gradated Washes
Carol Bradshaw's Gradated Wash Using Two Colors
Coming From Each Side

My Painting-Seaside Port
My Painting-Green Peppers done in Hooker's Green

Trees on a Flat Wash with Some Color Removed from Trunks

Trees on a Gradated Wash with Some Color Removed from the Trunks

So a birthday party was held for Conner and Coco. It was a nice event.  It was held outside.  Very windy and when in the shade, quite cool, but I couldn't handle the sun.

Conner, One Year Old and Coco, Three Years Old
Conner Enjoying a Birthday Cupcake

Billy and Conner Going Down the Slide

Picture of Billy, my grandson and Conner, my great-grandson

Father and Son

This afternoon Barbara and I are going to a matinee put on by the Bakersfield Community Concert Association featuring Los 3 Ortiz.  A Cuban/Venezuelan harpist, Alfredo Rolando Ortiz will be performing with his two daughters.  They do folk, popular and classical music from many countries.  I'm looking forward to it.  Then we are going back to this great little Chinese. restaurant called Ching Yen which is so tasty.  With Barbara I usually go vegetarian and have found it delicious!

This is an article called "How Do You Want to Die?" From

That is it for the week.  I hope you are doing well and finding things to enjoy in life.   See you next Sunday.                   Rachel

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Great Weather, in the Short Term

I didn't have either art class this week.  The one at the college was on spring break. And the one at the Bakersfield Art Center was having the floor stripped of old wax and being re-waxed. That was okay. I needed a break and sometimes they are forced on me.  

Barb and I drove to Lancaster to see The Second Best Marigold Hotel because it left Bakersfield. It is almost 1 1/2 hours away from Bakersfield.  We went to a restaurant called Thai Cafe in Lancaster and if that had been the plan of the trip, it would have still been well worth it!  They had an extensive vegetarian menu. We got red curry and a stir fried mint. Both were excellent. And we also liked their veggie tempura. I had a boba to drink.   We had seen the first movie and really enjoyed it. This was more about older people still having relationships. It was very life affirming and uplifting. 

Our Red Hat group ate at Mama Roomba's.  Such good food!  We had a great time sharing what we got and catching up and what was happening in each of our lives.  Stephanie came down with her granddaughter from Tehachapi.  It was good to see her again.

The special on PBS on CANCER was well done.  It was done on three consecutive nights, two hours each night. It gave a history of the knowledge of the disease and then the resulting treatment. Fascinating. 

On 60 minutes there was a story about Duke University giving the Polio Virus to fight a Cancer - Glioblastoma - Awakening the power of the body's immune system.   There has been work on this for 25 years.  HIV, Small Pox, Cold Virus were used by other scientists. Cancers put up a shroud so the immune system can't see them.   They are thinking this is a cure, not a remission.   In about a year they may give Duke University breakthrough status.  They are trying this virus also on lung cancer and  breast cancer.    

This is Conner, my great-grandson who conked out after destroying his Nana, Dainette's office.
Tired after Trashing Nana's Office

Mr. Cool

Poor Meagan, my granddaughter-in-law is so ready for Kason to be born. She is uncomfortable and it is making it difficult to do the tasks needing to get done. 

So Shelley, Kevin  and one of her daughters, Heather and her boyfriend Wes are here.  There is a couple who Heather cares for their baby also here.  Jennifer's children- Crystal, Kayla and Devin are here.  So those who didn't come missed out on a nice meal, snacks, wine, great weather and great company.  Their loss.

I talk about the weather being great.  In the short term it is.  It is warm, pleasant and we can be outside with short sleeves,  This is not good in the long run.  They are saying we have enough water for one year in the reservoirs in California before we go to the underground water.  This is not good.  The land, especially in the central valley is dropping because of using up these underground water resources.  We have been told that it will be mandatory to cut back 25% in water usage.  I agree with that, but it doesn't solve the problem long term.  A company Nestle has been getting water to sell bottled in California.  That seems like a very bad idea with the circumstances we are in. Another area that concerns me is the fracking in California.  I know it is happening in our county, Kern.  I'm sure it is in other places too.  This takes the water we need to break up the rocks to get the oil that hasn't been able to be reached.  At this point, I think we need to be focusing on other ways of getting our energy, through wind, solar and any other way that does not use oil.  At this point, it seems it is a dangerous spot we are putting future generations.  I care what happens to them and I think more of us need to be speaking up to save California, the United States and our planet Earth.

Here is a short article on the importance of listening and acknowledging grief.  This is something I could work on a little more. I found myself recently telling someone what they might expect when all she wanted was to be heard. 

Here is a great article about being kind to yourself while dealing with cancer.   I think we need to be reminded of this because we thing of all the tasks needing to be done and people depending on us to continue doing what we have always done.  These are good lessons we all need to learn.

This was a good week and I hope the same for you.  I will see you next Sunday.