Did you know that it takes a gallon of water to produce one almond? I didn't. Did you know that agriculture uses 80% of our state's water? I didn't realize it was that high! So if I cut my showers to half the time I do now, it isn't going to have that big an impact. I'm okay about not growing grass. I do understand the need to cut back. It seems we have a much bigger problem because the water is going to run out. The water underground is being used now by agriculture. That took millions of years to develop. It hasn't taken long to use it up. Okay, end of my rant on our water situation. What I now want to figure out is what can I have instead of grass. I did get three waist level gardening units that I have to put together. But it is small and I am going to grow my own veggies. My friend Barbara does this we will talk about each of us deciding on some veggies and sharing them. My daughter Shelley is doing her vegetable garden too. Now, they never did put in a backyard, but her picture is a little scary.
Kevin and Shelley's Vegetable Garden |
It goes before the city council to put in a watering schedule. If your street number ends in an even number, you may water your lawn Sunday , Wednesday and Friday. If your street number ends in an even number, your watering days are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Businesses do not have limitations. Now if this is a serious drought, why would they not be included? This seems very scary, but, they are acting too casual. Why is this? Okay, end of my rant on our water situation. If all the grass died, which it should with this, I want to think about how to make my yard inviting without it costing a ridiculous amount of water.
My oven now works. The element I ordered did the trick. I called a plumber to see about the water getting to the fridge for water and ice in the door. Water comes to the door. Still have a problem with the ice maker. I left a message with the appliance repairman about coming back for that. Next week the plumber is coming back to replace the pipes attached to the house. But, he needs to know where the emergency shut off valve is. I don't know where it is. I messaged the water company. Their message is I need to call and make an appointment for them to come and turn it off, then turn it on. They got back to me too late. I'll call them Monday morning
Major events happened this week. My great-grandson Conner turned one and his sister Coco turned three. My friend Marykay's daughter Rachel (named after me) had her first child, her daughter Eva Ramona. I also had friends who married. I'm so happy for them! And life goes on.
My art class, called Healing Art with Nina Landgraff at Bakersfield College was good. We stood up with our hands in a prayer position our eyes closed and noted which way we leaned. She then had us do a drawing exercise to help get ourselves in balance. She first had us drawing the number 8. She asked us to determine if the upper part was the same size and shape as the lower part. So we turned it sideways still drawing over it to make them be more in line. Then she had us do it with our non-dominant hand. Then we did two eights next to each other trying to keep the same proportions. Then we drew both eights at the same time using both hands at the same time. Then we outlined the eights at the top and where they join in the middle to make a heart. She said to do this daily until we could stand without being pulled any direction. Mind and body interact with each other and the idea is to get them working for you instead of against you. I love the idea. I recommend this class for anyone in the area.

Then we did a finger painting selecting two colors and white. I've included Nina's (she's our teacher) and mine. Then she had us do a background with several colors, then draw some squiggly lines to make grape vines, then with our fingers put in grapes and then more squiggly lines that the vines use to hold the grapes. Also a couple of grape leaves. The ocean and lighthouse pictures are done by spraying water over the paper and then making a white circle and come back with the bright color around it until it is only the bright color. The dark color goes around all of this following the circle at the top and going back and forth at the bottom. Then work in white for the reflection and come back on the sides for the rocks and lighthouse. Then perhaps put a boat in the water and birds in the sky. Fun! I'm going to do more of this. Only one more class, but I have really enjoyed it. Learning how the body and mind work together to help or hinder us can be helpful to get the resources on our side. I appreciate having that knowledge. I liked practicing it too because you get a better sense of how to do it. I will take it again if I am not overwhelmed with other events. I have to pace myself.
Nina Landgraff's Finger Painting with Acrylic |
Nina Landgraff's Finger Painting with Acrylic |
Nina Landgraff's Finger Painting with Acrylic |
This is My Finger Painting with Acrylic |
My Perspective is Way Off! My Lighthouse is too big! But it was supposed to be Fun and it was! |
Class with Carol Bradshaw went well. I find it helps to watch her do it, though I feel I need to see it more than once. So we went over the graduated wash and then worked on a variable wash. She also gives wonderful tips to make our pictures even better. One she said was to go back to the mountain range and drop a little more color at the top of the range, but not solidly. It will make it look more real. By the way, she recommended
Mastering the Watercolor Wash by Joe Garcia. Very helpful. I think I am ready to frame the green peppers and the seaside port. I'm still working on my butterfly- perhaps nesx weekend.
Carol Bradshaw's Layering Flat Washes |
Carol Bradshaw's Layers of Gradated Washes
Carol Bradshaw's Gradated Wash Using Two Colors Coming From Each Side |
My Painting-Seaside Port |
My Painting-Green Peppers done in Hooker's Green
Trees on a Flat Wash with Some Color Removed from Trunks |
Trees on a Gradated Wash with Some Color Removed from the Trunks |
Picture of Billy, my grandson and Conner, my great-grandson
Father and Son |
This afternoon Barbara and I are going to a matinee put on by the Bakersfield Community Concert Association featuring Los 3 Ortiz. A Cuban/Venezuelan harpist, Alfredo Rolando Ortiz will be performing with his two daughters. They do folk, popular and classical music from many countries. I'm looking forward to it. Then we are going back to this great little Chinese. restaurant called Ching Yen which is so tasty. With Barbara I usually go vegetarian and have found it delicious!
This is an article called "How Do You Want to Die?" From Nextavenue.org
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