So in the Central Valley of California we are really dealing with major drought conditions. A town I used to live in, Visalia, is down to watering one time a week and anyone who doesn't follow this will be fined. I think all the measures being taken are not enough. It appears we will run out of water. So will this become a ghost valley like how we describe a ghost town? My friend Martha had a real scare. She lives in the country outside of Visalia. They thought their well was dry, but they found out the pump needed repairing. They are down to 30 feet of water in their well. That sounds scary to me too. They are hoping it lasts another year until they are scheduled for their well to be dug much deeper. 60 minutes had a very good report about the effects of the drought on the Central Valley this last Sunday (It was a repeat)s. See the episode on using up the underground water by clicking on Link below.
Last Sunday my son Jeff, his wife Stephanie and their youngest daughter Meghan came to visit. We had some of the family here to join us. But since Kevin's birthday party was the day before, some had already scheduled the following day with other activities. We barbecued chicken and with what each chipped in to fill out the meal, we had a huge meal. Stephanie shared with us her experiences of catering for groups of students making movies. This has been so successful, her name is being bandied about for future catering jobs. Of course, the whole family has been very aware of her excellent cooking talents. So it wasn't a surprise to us that this would happen. We are all very pleased her talents are being recognized. They sold their home and are currently in a rental which they describe as bigger than their last home. They are looking to get a home at the beach. Jeff started working at a start up company as a CPA which has huge potential. So, Jeff said though a lot has happened, it has been very positive. They will have an open house at their new home to celebrate their oldest daughter's graduation (Cassadie) from the University of Oregon at the end of the month.
It was a good day. I was telling Jeff how exhausted I felt these days for no obvious reason and he told me he had been feeling this way and was recently diagnosed with diabetes. I had seen my oncologist that week and told him I was fine. At that moment I was and I couldn't remember what I was planning to bring up. (Write it down next time!) It was about the exhaustion. Stephanie and I didn't get in the pictures, but here are the others.
Jeff Jerdin and Shelley Schmitt, Brother and Sister |
Meghan Jerdin, Crystal Kline, Alyssa Estes, Kayla and Devin Kline, my Grandchildren |
This week was my husband Paul's birthday. If he were still here, he would have been 74 years old. I really miss him as does the rest of the family. It is definitely not the same without him.
My Red Hat dinner was the day of Paul's birthday. It was at a Thai restaurant I have not been to. It is called the Blue Elephant Thai Restaurant. The perfect place to eat since Paul and I were married in Thailand while on vacation. The food was good, as was the company. But I was feeling nauseous and just all around, not well and left early.
This week was also Shelley's birthday, Paul's oldest daughter, my step-daughter. We went to dinner at Mama Roomba's a fabulous Caribbean restaurant on First Friday, a monthly event in downtown Bakersfield, with the local art galleries open in the evening along with street crafts and musicians all around the area. This area continues to improve and has been a draw to people as they hear about this event. It makes for a pleasant evening out. To get into most restaurants downtown at the time of this event, make a reservation because they are fill up fast, usually with those who made reservations.
Shelley and I standing at the entrance to Wall Street, an Alley with Guthrie's Alley Cat in the Background |
Shelley and I Standing in Front of Colorful Street Art |
And then last night Shelley and I had a wonderful evening at one of the garden nurseries, Robby's Nursery. That place is so lovely. I could spend hours there! It is gorgeous! So this event had a chef who made several dishes using fresh herbs talking as he was cooking. A couple of great hints we picked up is spray the fruit, meat or vegetable lightly with a no-stick spray before putting it on the grill. It won't shoot back flames and you make sure the food is covered and less likely to stick. The other great hint is similar. Grill the veggies dry, then cover with the marinade to not burn the food on the grill. Amazing that herbs you don't think of putting in drinks (like lemonade) add a nice touch, like oregano. There were also two women who were sisters who made the appetizers. They ended up sitting with us. Very nice people. They used to own Skateland, but recently sold it. The food was outstanding and wine was also served. It was also a wine tasting event. This was $25 per person and required reservations. Shelley found out about it on Facebook. Best deal for the money! We were lucky with the weather which was in the mid-eighties. How fortunate for us! It is heading to over a hundred degrees this week.
Shelley and I wearing Shades Before the Sun Went Down |
Shelley and I with Two New Friends |
I am in the Art group on Google+. I admired the work of a photographer, Mike Dunbar. It really is artistic, especially his still life photos. I can't help but speak up about how impressed I am. He finally recommended a book by Joe McNally, The Moment It Clicks. So I ordered it on line through Amazon. It took a while to get here. So one day he sent a message about how were Joe and I getting along. I was so confused and asked "Who's Joe?" He replied Joe McNally!" Then I remembered and said I'd send him a message when he came. So when it did come and I informed him, he responded, "I hope you'll be happy together." Ha, ha! That would look like a love interest! Maybe, but in photography!
I saw one of my doctors this week. She is an Endocrinologist. I forgot to tell my Oncologist about being totally exhausted. I told him I was fine. I was fine right at that moment. So I tell her and she has ordered some blood work. I haven't been tested for diabetes since 2008. My friend Janet said low blood pressure could cause this. I take a water pill which has a side effect of keeping the body from spilling calcium when you pee. I have not had high blood pressure. So I sent a note about that to her. I eventually got a follow up note from another physician that yes, low blood pressure can cause exhaustion, so I'm scheduled to discuss this with another physician in two weeks.
The other doctor I saw was the pain doctor for a follow-up visit after the cortisone injections in my back. Since I have always tended to push myself in moving, doing things and taking care of business, these injections I believed helped me a lot. I really don't want to slow down and I am hoping I can continue to be like this. He told me that all people with back pain would benefit in knowing two things that would make a big difference in recovering and moving on or being more handicapped. They are, don't bend and don't lift heavy items. I know, I know, I cannot totally abide by this. I don't have people readily available to do these tasks that require these movements. I do set several things aside and wait until I see them if I can.
The other doctor I saw was the pain doctor for a follow-up visit after the cortisone injections in my back. Since I have always tended to push myself in moving, doing things and taking care of business, these injections I believed helped me a lot. I really don't want to slow down and I am hoping I can continue to be like this. He told me that all people with back pain would benefit in knowing two things that would make a big difference in recovering and moving on or being more handicapped. They are, don't bend and don't lift heavy items. I know, I know, I cannot totally abide by this. I don't have people readily available to do these tasks that require these movements. I do set several things aside and wait until I see them if I can.
I worked further on my drawing of an Iris. I think I may be done with it.
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Iris in Graphite |
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Oriental Poppy in Watercolor |
Here is a clear list on how to help someone who is grieving. I think you will find it helpful.
So this woman is going through her battle with cancer too and she wants to educate others on what people say that does not help. It is short and worth watching. These were issues for me too.
And here is my great-grandson Conner who looks much cleaner as he learns how to use a spoon when eating.
A very full week. I have a few things going on this next week, including an overnight camping trip that my granddaughter Kayla. Her friend Brianna will be joining us. I think that will be particularly great! I am making memories here. I love it and I hope those who are involved with me in enjoying these gatherings get a kick out of it. Have a wonderful week and I will see you next Sunday.
And here is my great-grandson Conner who looks much cleaner as he learns how to use a spoon when eating.
Conner Working on Eating with a Spoon |
A very full week. I have a few things going on this next week, including an overnight camping trip that my granddaughter Kayla. Her friend Brianna will be joining us. I think that will be particularly great! I am making memories here. I love it and I hope those who are involved with me in enjoying these gatherings get a kick out of it. Have a wonderful week and I will see you next Sunday.
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