So I look at the posts on this art site on Google+. I really am fascinated with people's styles and talent. So one person responded to what I said:
Thank you, Rachel. Are you an artist also?
ME: A beginner. I have taken drawing and water color classes for almost two years. I didn't even have a clue to do anything before this. I wasn't even a kindergarten level then. So I'm excited about it all now.
+Rachel Jerdin I don't know why I asked you that. I don't ask that and never have asked anyone else. There must have been a reason. This illustrates the very idea that art is not planned or known about before it appears. Just like my asking you about your art, I don't know you and did not plan to do that.
So, if you can take a tip from one who has been fooling around with art since 1963, interrupted by a number of other disciplines like computer programming and fighting authorities that don't obey their own law, you should stop taking classes immediately. I have never had a single class. That would have killed my own creativity by instilling ideas from some teacher. I am not an art teacher, because I cannot tell anyone how to paint or create. All I can do is tell them how NOT to do it.
The danger for you is copying others and then copying your own work. Each piece has to spring forth anew, not be a copy. Therefore, if you stop doing what you have been doing and just paint, let it all hang out, you will find your creativity invigorated by each work you complete. It gets in your blood and like a junkie you have to let the next one out.
Please take my words in the way I intended them, not to preach to you but only to give you the benefit of many years of art and other things have taught me. It is never to late to begin to be your own creative self.
ME: I appreciate your comments. I'm not willing to part from my teacher yet! I have found her to be soooo encouraging and supportive. Periodically she will stare open mouthed at what I do, seeming at shock at what I have done. She recognizes my style as very different from hers and doesn't push me into her style, so I'm okay with it so far. And believe me, what I could do May 2013 and I what I can do now are night and day. I'm not looking at your work to copy it. I'm fascinated with art. My step-mother (she's an artist) and I go to art museums when we get together. I look at people's work and try to figure out how they did what they did. So thanks for sharing your art and thoughts about it. I really appreciate it!"
There is another person, Mike Dunbar who is a fabulous photographer. He has a real knack with lighting. So far I have not seen anyone accomplish what he has done, especially with his Still Life. Just fantastic. And now he is branching out doing buildings and landscapes. So nice. Well I sounded like a broken record saying "Wow! The lighting is spectacular!" Then he suggested I read Joe McNally's book THE MOMENT IT CLICKS, who's work is about the lighting in photography. He is a magazine photographer. Great information. I finally noted on Mike Dunbar's site he has written "It's the lighting." I'm so observant!
I have learned from looking at what they share and I really appreciate it.
I had another MUGA scan (it checks the pressure of blood being pumped through the heart) this week. The technician is one I had in the beginning and he noticed that I've had a lot of these tests. I told him it is easier to do all this since I retired. He asked what I do with my time and I told him I have had art classes in drawing and watercolor. In the end he said, "bring a couple of pieces next time you come, I'm interested." So I will. I keep hearing people say "I can't do that." And I remember saying that. That is why I will show it. They can do it. Whether they make a profession or hobby of it, it's okay. I think our brains develop better when including the arts. We deal with issues better, it adds to our insight into what we and I think it might help in problem solving. We need more of this!
I met with my friend Janet at our old haunt Mexicali's. We talk about so much. It is our weekly catch-up. I think it is good for both of us.
It my art class, a woman, Linda joined us. She has been with us a few times before. I showed my work to Carol who had given me good feedback on ways to improve it. So I have redone it. I know I have a ways to go, but I remind myself where I have been, and when compared to that, it is WOW! So I think my drawing is a lot better. When any of Carol's students doubt their improvement, she gets them to bring their earlier work, and that does it. They stay with it. I don't really care for the watercolor of the parrot, but I'm showing you it. I also will do another painting of the parrot. Next subject in class is to do a drawing and then a painting of an owl.
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Drawing of Parrot by Rachel |
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Watercolor of Parrot by Rachel |
Today, my friend Barbara and I are going to go see Ricki and the Flash. Both of us like Meryl Streep. Then we are going for Chinese food. We like the Great Castle, so that is probably the place we will go. I haven't seen her in maybe a month. She has been in Utah part of the time at a conference doing research on family trees. Her mother had done it for years and she has continued it. I look forward to hearing how it went.
Another blogger, Doreen Tapper shares her thought one year after she was diagnosed about her fears and the value of her supporters.
So that is it for the week. So hot these days (it's that time of year), it isn't pleasant to go outside. So I'm doing things in the house. I hope your week went well and I will see you next Sunday.
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