Sunday, July 27, 2014

Great Gathering of Friends

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Getting Back Into My Art

I really have been resting. So this was a forced break. I needed it.

Monday was my birthday and it was a pleasant one. I turned 65 so officially I'm eligible for all the senior discounts out there. My Kaiser Senior Advantage went into effect this month. There are some savings, but from what I had, it isn't that dramatic Had lunch and margaritas with my friend Janet Seinturier. I am still not driving, so if I go out someone has to do the driving. Shelley and my grandson Kevin came by in the evening with cheese cake we enjoyed together and a lovely gift of a coffee carafe. I look forward to doing a brunch and have coffee in this carafe.

I continued my celebrations. After my art class with Carol Bradshaw, Valerie and I ate at the Padre Hotel. We ate in the bar and the food was excellent. I had a salmon salad and Valerie had chile verde tacos. Then on Wednesday, Barbara Long and I ate vegetarian at Mama Roomba.  It is not noted as a vegetarian restaurant, but the non-meat choices are very good. They have a wonderful vegetable soup. We also had sautéed mushrooms and a mixed bean salad with oil infused with cilantro. It also tasted like it had finely minced garlic. Their mojitos are great, and, of course I had one of those.

This week I did work on my art. I have had little energy up to now so it was a nice change. I did draw the barn with silos and a waterfall with little detail. Next week we are working on parrots. As my teacher says "something is better than nothing", because it gives her a sense where I'm getting it and where I'm not.  Then she can give me feedback to improve my drawing.

I didn't need to return to the doctors office for the cast this week. The cast fits better and the break  is improving some, though I continue to take pain medications because it calms the pain down. Another interesting thing is that my back has just about become a non-issue. I have had a couple of twinges, but very minor. One of my friends thinks that it is because I've been doing a whole lot less than I had been doing.  I thought it was because my wrist hurts the worst at this time. I'll see when my wrist heals more.
My friend Lynn asked me how I was doing asking others for help. I will admit, it really is difficult to do. I would really rather be on the other side and helping others. I try to remind myself that I have no problem helping others when they need the help and I can help. I worry about being a burden on others. Now that I think about it, many seniors worry about being a burden on others. That is why I push to do what I can for myself. Valerie feels we have to be on the receiving end "to balance the universe". "Everyone needs to give and take" according to Valerie.  The other issue is when I need help for toileting issues  I've always been so private that this is particularly hard.  When I was in the hospital, I found them putting in a foley catheter to urinate an incredible invasion of privacy.  The nurses just looked at it as a procedure to do which helped some in not getting embarrassed.  I do know many people who don't find this embarrassing. So, this is not an easy subject. I would like to hear what others think. What would you do if you were in this spot?

Today my friend Valerie Slocum and I went to watch a movie called "Strangers in Good Company" at the Art and Spirituality Center.  Excellent as usual and great discussion afterwards.

I've had no contact with my grandson and his family except through the internet.  They have offered to come over to help, but I have resisted visits from everybody. I'm at the tail end of this cold. It is no longer waking me up in the middle of the night. But, they have been posting such cute pictures and I can't resist sharing them.

So next weekend I am meeting with people I used to work with which will be about 1 1/2 hours north..I'm taking the train. My friend Janet will get me to the station here and another friend Annemarie will pick me up. We have done this several times.  We make it a mini-vacation. The hotel is very pleasant with a nice pool. Since I have a cast, all I'll be doing is dangling my legs in the water. The restaurant Tommy's is also a pleasant setting and my memory of eating here is very good. We expect our group to be a little smaller than usual, but I can't remember a time when it wasn't a great gathering.

Valerie Schultz wrote a good article in the Bakersfield Californian on grief that I would like to share.  I felt this with my losses.  I believe many of you will relate to it.  :

This husband takes pictures of his wife who eventually died with breast cancer.  I felt it was nicely done and touching.

Captures Love and Loss Beautifully

That's it.  I'll see you next Sunday.             Rachel

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Getting Locked Out

The previous week I had the splint changed out for a cast. I felt my arm sliding up and down and felt my wrist wasn't getting support which caused a lot of pain. Went in on Monday and a new cast was made that went about an inch higher.  I still had the same problem. Then one more time, two days later, the wrapping and cast were made a little tighter and it is about three inches above my elbow. I thought it was two weeks from the first cast, but it was only one!  This is going to be a long period!  I'm trying to keep my mind off of it. Kind of hard to do because I can feel it and it is uncomfortable.

My daughter Ronda helped me take a shower while she was here. I learned from that and set myself up like she had.  It worked. I used the IV pole with an exercise rubber band to hold up my cast in a plastic bag. I have a shower chair and made sure everything was within hands reach. It worked!  What a relief!  So cleanliness is not going to be a problem.

My daughter Ronda was set to leave Monday night at seven pm. That morning I get an email that the flight was completely changed to Tuesday morning at 5:50  a.m.. I was feeling overwhelmed with this hour and discussed her taking a taxi. She called one that agreed to pick her up at 4:00 am.  Ronda called later in the day after leaving and said there was something wrong with the plane in Denver and they had everyone get off while they found another plane. She didn't get home until 7:00 pm, but I was relieved it did work out.

In the mean time I set up my schedule and bought my tickets to see my brother Ben and my friend Lynn Repasky.  If my trip has any of the problems my daughter had, I will never use United Airlines again.  I am doing it from Bakersfield because I'm not sure I can handle a complicated trip.

Art class was good as usual. I did not work on my barn at all. Perhaps later. Now we are working on a waterfall.

I ended up getting a sore throat and fever which went on from a head cold to a chest cold. I'm usually not around so many people, especially children that I had forgotten all the bugs going around.  I seem to usually miss this, but close contact breeds the bugs. 

My family and friends have helped a lot.  They have taken me to appointments, straightening things, cut veggies, etc.  it makes a big difference.

I have a little less pain. It's difficult  to focus on much else when I'm in pain. It needs to come down more, then I'll be able to focus on other stuff.  I'm hopeful that this is happening.

So it was a slow week which was appreciated. I didn't feel well enough to have much excitement.  But yesterday my front door refused to lock and I called a locksmith to fix it. When he came, I asked if he would rekeyi the lock into the garage which he did. Today I walked into the garage to get the bleach and found myself locked out if the house. I told my brother about this last time and he sent me something to hide my key.  I looked for an hour without luck and walked to my neighbors homes in my pajamas to see if someone would take me to Barbara's home since I didn't have her phone number. It was the fifth house that answered my knock. This is the first time I met Diane who said "how can I help you"?  She was very willing to drive me to Barbara's home. Unfortunately she wasn't home. Diane said I could use her computer. So I was able to get to Yahoo mail and my contacts were there. I called Sherry who luckily was in town. She was laughing over what happened, but came 15 minutes later to let me in and she found the key in its hiding place.  Diane and I agreed that we would exchange keys to have someone close by to help.

So that's it for the week. I'll see you next Sunday.      Rachel.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sore Arm and a Wedding

Meaghan and Billy had to change plans for their wedding. They brought it back to Bakersfield since Conner had been ill.  It was held in the yard of a lovely home using the maids quarters to get the food set up and for Meaghan, our bride to get ready. The weather was very cooperative. Meagan's grandmother Sherran Toy was the minister and did a fabulous job. The grounds were gorgeous. I kept feeling I had been here before, but that there were more trees when I'd been there before.  Yep, this was where Karen and Tom Peltier used to live. My husband and I along with four other couples used to get together monthly at each other's homes for dinner and red wine. I have fond memories of that.  Meaghan was a beautiful bride, Billy so handsome!  The food was excellent. The decorations were very nice. It was just a lovely wedding and will now be wonderful memories.
Flower Girls Alyssa, MeLeigha and Constance (Coco) Meaghan, Sherran, Billy and Ian

Meaghan and Billy with Sherran

Meaghan and Billy

Conner and Meaghan's sister

Flower Girls, Bible Bearer and Minister/Grandmother

Ian (Meaghan's Brother) and Meaghan

Ronda and Billy

Rachel and Billy

Rachel and Billy

Billy and Gavin Payne

Beautiful Table
They each poured sand in here showing how they will work together

Last weekend my phone kept ringing with the same number.  I finally answered and this man was saying they were picking up malware on my computer stopping all my Windows programs. They said I had to take care of it immediately and that there were 12 computers using my internet. I couldn't understand how this could be but finally got frightened enough to agree to fix it. Yes I fell for all this and can't believe I could be sooooo naive.  I am on pain pills. Maybe that was part of it.  So I stupidly agreed to pay $600 for a lifetime of caring for my computer and gave them remote access. This was for all my items with computer access. First computer supposedly done. Go to second computer and the monitor goes black. I can't figure what is going on and I said I needed to get my son-in-law over here because I really was not understanding and he could talk to them. Then I started feeling pushed when I couldn't reach Michael and told them I'd call them the next day and I hung up. My cousin Steve calls and I tell him I'm too upset to talk because of what I think is computer fraud and I fell for it. Now I'm crying. He said call credit card company and call him back. My crying got worse with all this. I felt vulnerable and really stupid. The bank lady said take a deep breath, then we'll talk. She transferred me to the fraud dept.  I said I disputed the charges and told them what I did. They reversed this bill, canceled my credit card and told me what to expect. This was all a relief but not the end of the problem.  I took the computer to The Geek Squad (as my cousin Steve recommended) and they found several viruses on both computers and cleaned it all up. Then I changed my passwords. My daughter threatened this internet place when they called today. Hopefully they won't call back.  Ronda hooked my computers back up. It did turn out that one of my monitors did go out which I'll deal with next.

My friend Valerie came to take me to my art class this and then to The Geek Squad.  I had not worked on any art, though, one day I attempted to start. We worked on doing a fence.  I really can't do much work because my cast is in the way. I did get my friend Barbara Long to come over and glue non-skid rubber to the back of one mat and on the back of a 12 inch ruler.  I got my pine cone back framed.  It is amazing how much better everything looks framed.  While there Toni Lott framed two other pictures. What a great job and reasonably priced!  Val and I went across the street to Mama Roomba for lunch (I just love this place!).

My friend Janet took me for a follow-up visit with the surgeon Dr. Wong. My appointment was at 4 pm. Got there about 3:45. We did't get called back until after 6 pm.  Questions I asked were can I go visit my brother in Connecticut in September (yes). When can I drive (when I'm not on narcotics).  Can I get physical therapy to work on balance (sounds like a good Idea).  Found out a fellow doctor friend of theirs lost his wife to breast cancer and they took a day off for the funeral and a child set off the fire alarm that day forcing everyone out of the building for about a half hour. I missed my Red Hat ice cream social at Dewars.

I got a cast above the elbow. Though Janet and I thought it looked horrible (there was a green drainage),  Dr. Wong assured us it was okay. No smell. It was very sore and I was glad to get back into a cast to support it. We went to Mexicali's by 7:30 for dinner and a weak margarita.  I think we both felt our heads would fall in the food.  When Janet got me home, I crawled in bed and was out like a light. 

Independence Day celebration was at my home. I was expecting fireworks display at Bakersfield College, but one of my friends Evelyn Elliott told me it was canceled. They are doing construction, so that was the reason. Billy picked up a box of fireworks. Dainette (Meaghan's mom) Meaghan, Billy with five children (including Conner), 5 years and younger, Shelley with Kevin, Jennifer with Kayla and Devin, Ronda and me made up the group.  Shelley and Ronda took care of the food, Billy barbecued. There was a nice breeze which made the heat more tolerable.  It all turned out very well and when everyone left, I fell asleep instantly.  I just seem to max out, and that's it.
Jennifer, Shelley and Coco

Alyssa, Meleigha and Gavin



Cousins Devin and Kevin

Shelley, Jennifer with Coco and Kayla

Conner at 12 weeks


Ronda and Conner
Rachel, Coco, Meaghan with Conner

So I was watching this wonderful documentary that I recorded on PBS.  This young man had this job as a documentarian. He traveled over the world. He one day couldn't get up from sitting on the sand and others had to help him get up. So this is his documentary about finding out he has MS and how he takes as much control of his life despite the continued decline from the disease.  Very touching. It is universal.  It was shown on POV (stands for point of view on June 24, 2014. The title is "When I Walk".  Look for it.

Here is a wonderful article about why you should ask a physicist to speak at you funeral. I spoke with my physicist friend Michael Feit. He has agreed to do this.  I think I have brought this up earlier, but if you haven't seen it, check it out.

Ask a Physicist to Speak at Your Funeral

I have really had an achy week. Last night was particularly rough and I'm not doing the work!  Ronda has helped me a lot while she has been here. I've been very short and snippy with her and I apologize for this. She says "Oh, mom, don't worry about it. I'm not taking it personally. I know you don't feel good". I'm appreciative she understands. I am so appreciative of family and friends who have tolerated me and been so helpful.  I really think this would be a "no go" without the support I have gotten. What's difference it makes.

I have a friend who made an interesting comment saying she liked her boring life and would find this overwhelming.  Actually I agree with her. It might make it an interesting story, but the stress of it is really too much. I would have scheduled the wedding for a much later date and I think I would have rescheduled Independence Day to October first. I was glad that the wedding was not at my home and I was glad I was not the photographer.  Billy said they realized right away that they had to change plans. I'm so appreciative I didn't have to bring it up though I understand that I also have to get much better at saying "no".

Tomorrow, Monday,  Ronda returns home (Illinois). Billy, Meaghan and Conner will join us for breakfast at Cindy's.  This was a good visit despite the pain and I was glad it all happened. Now is time to put the emphasis on healing as my teacher Carol Bradshaw states. 

The Bakersfield Art Association is offering a variety of one day classes for $35 each in a variety of media. Check out what they are offering below and if you live in Kern County in California consider. This includes the supplies. You need to pre-register because they need to make sure they have enough supplies. Having taken classes since September and meeting many of these very talented artists, I believe you would enjoy this. It is a way to try your hand in a particular art medium without committing a lot of resources to find out if it is for you. Then, if it is, you'll have an idea of what it involves. I will be signing up for as many I can. Perhaps I'll see you there!

With Bates, Bradshaw,  Lott, Mathie, Neil, and Oliver

Many people who think about taking art classes aren’t sure what they want to take.  This is your chance to find out with this special series of classes….take one or all of them!  Do you want to draw/paint/ watercolor/oil/acrylic/oil pastel or something completely different like mosaics?

Come and play around and just have fun with the possibilities!

All classes are held at the BAA Art Center, at 1817 Eye Street. Cost of the classes is: $35.00 each, and include all materials needed for the class.  Pre-registration is required because of the materials.  Please contact the class instructor.

Pen and Ink: “Playing with Pen and Ink” with Jim Bates, This class  will explore different methods of using permanent ink pens in drawing and inking in your art work.  Examples will be cross hatching, stippling, scribbling, small/large lines etc.  We will ink the same subject using only one of the methods per drawing.  Class is Thursday, July 31st from 1-4 pm. For additional information or to register contact:  Jim Bates at 6612-871-7640 or jab888’

Drawing: “What You Can Do with a Pencil!!”  with Carol Bradshaw  Experiment with all of the different marks you can make with a pencil and find out what the different kinds of drawings you can do!  Drawing can be done with pencil, colored pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, crayon, pastel , etc. Class is Thursday, July 24th from 1-4 pm.  For additional information or to register contact:    Carol Bradshaw at 760-376-6604 or

Watercolor: “Splash and Play”  with Norma Neil In this class students will learn basic wash techniques and play with techniques that add sparkle, texture, mood and personality to the painting. Students will end with an 11x14 watercolor suitable for framing.
Class is Thursday, August 7th from 1-4 pm, For additional information or to register contact:    Norma Neil at 661-283-1376 or

Oil Pastel: “Drawing and Painting with Oil Pastel”  This inexpensive and versatile medium can be used for drawing or painting. It works like soft pastel, without the dust, but can be blended with other mediums such as oil, acrylic and watercolor paints Oil pastel is a fun medium that can be used for expressively for drawing or for completing rich finished paintings.  Class is Thursday, August 14th from 1-4 pm. For additional information or to register contact:  Phyllis Oliver at: Phone 661-348-4717 or

Acrylic: “ Acrylics are Easy!: with Toni Lott, This class is just pure fun playing around with acrylics.  It is a very forgiving medium- you can paint over your mistakes! You will be surprised at what you can do! Class is Thursday, August 21st, from 1-4 pm.  For additional information or to register contact:  Toni Lott at 661-205-3488 or

Mosaics: “Mosaic Brief”  with Leslie Mathie,  Come and try out mosaics and all of the fun that can be achieved with them.  This is a chance to do a” hands on” project.  Class is Saturday, August 9th from 9-12 pm. For additional information or to register contact:  Leslie Mathie at 510-914-6897 or

Thank you for reading and I'll see you next week.        Rachel