Sunday, September 18, 2016

Learning More about Using Colored Pencils

There were 5 students in Carol Bradshaw's class.  A couple of them got very creative in how they did their flip-flops. So Carol said we can do more with our pictures such as filling in the white space with designs. It was fun seeing what others had done. This week we are doing a picture of hearts. She stated we could add more, put in a design, but this time with tertiary colors. These are colors using secondary and primary. So these are going to be softer colors. She told us which colors we could buy rather than mixing them. I went to Michael's and Aaron Brothers, but I was only able to get two of the colors.  So what I will have to do is mix them directly on the color wheel and on the hearts picture.   I sent an email to Carol about not getting the colors she asked us to get.  She will not be here this next week and said she would pick them up at another art store when visiting her daughter in Nevada.

When I did the color wheel, I used three colors to do the whole thing.  I did not use a blender.  Of course, the colors would have been truer if I just used one pencil which was already blended.  With the picture of hearts,  I had several of the tertiary  colors I needed (it is all done in tertiary colors).  I did use a blending pencil and a blending marker on some of it.  My plan is to do a design around the hearts.  I am also working on laying at the colors down on a color chart that I can refer to later with it in light, medium and dark.  That one is a work in progress.  I have to say that doing this is relaxing.  It really helps me deal with stress.

Color Wheel Using Individual Colors and Layering

A way to practice drawing flat color with tertiary colors

I met Janet at Mexcali's.  I had found a coloring book with owls in it last week and gave it to Janet. Janet loves owls and collects them, so I thought she would enjoy it. I just bought a 12 pack of colored pencils so she could get started.  Then, because our teacher Carol has told us of other tools to use, I went through what I had and was able to give her duplicates of most of what I had.  She had not started coloring yet, but I hold out high hopes for her doing it and enjoying it. 

I'm sure there are other sites that do this, but I found and their Facebook site. I have a girlfriend who said she wanted something on a necklace. She said it would be giving a little piece of me to her.  Here they put human or pet ashes in art and jewelry.  I also like the idea of pet ashes going here.

A wonderful saying I found on Facebook. I don't know who to give credit to, but it is true.  

Here are a couple of pictures of two of my great-grandchildren, Conner who is two and Nylah about 9 months old.

Conner, age 2, Meagan's and Billy's son

Nylah is about 9 months.  She just woke up!

Well, that is it for the week.  I hope your week went well and that next week will be good too!  See you next Sunday!            Rachel

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