Sunday, September 11, 2016

Vicki came back! More People are Coloring.

Labor Day was very pleasant. It was in the mid-eighties (which is unusually low for this time of year).  The food, company and weather were perfect.  Nylah is growing like a weed! She has a good disposition, so sweet!  My grandsons, Devin, Kevin and Christopher "are taller than me!  Heather's boyfriend Jake along with my grandson Christopher and Kevin fixed my hammock so it was more comfortable to use.  Alyssa will have her baby (a boy) on the 26, (at least that is the date they have told her).  The family is excited to welcome a new one in less than a month!   Nylah's father,  Lorence polished up the barbecue.  It was also my granddaughter's Kayla's sixteenth birthday which we celebrated with brownies, ice cream and whipped cream.  We had a lot going on.  Didn't get Devin in pictures.  He ran off when picture taking was going on.

Shelley and Kayla

Heather and her Boyfriend Jake

Christopher and his Cousin Heather

Great- Granddaughter Nylah, So Cute

Shelley and Kevin

Two Sisters, Jennifer and Shelley

Jennifer, Shelley with Me

Shelley and Kevin on My New Hammock

Sisters Crystal and Kayla

Alyssa who is Due toward the End of
September with her Cousin Crystal

I Think This is the First Picture of Just Kevin and Me

We had our first class using colored pencils.  There were six students.  Linda and I sat next to each other and Linda kept saying, "I'm going to love this class!"   Well I agree with her. We worked on how to make an even, flat layer of color.  We looked at varying the intensity of color by pressure. Of course, I have used pressure to make it darker, but she also talked about putting layer upon layer to make it darker.  It is hard to do the basics when you are anxious to be further along. But I do need to work on this.

The Secondary Colors, Green, Purple and Orange are
Actually Blending the Primary Colors to Make Them.
I have not done this before.  The idea is to make
it look like it was painted.  I'm a little sloppy and I need
to get a good brush to get the crumbs off my work.

We've started on a color wheel, with the
inside point the lightest and working outward
to make it darker.  I didn't blend it.

Shelley and I went to our Red Hat dinner held at Cafe Med. This a great group of women.   We were all so happy to see Vicki.  Her husband had died 5 months ago (it doesn't seem that long ago!).  Several of us have lost husbands, so I think that was a draw for me, but I like all of them.

Shelley is talking to Vicki

Evelyn, Judie and Jo

At head of the table is Vicki, I'm on her left, then Evelyn,
Judie,  Jo, Stephanie, Pamela, Chrysta and Shelley

Stephanie, Pamela and Chrysta

Barbara let me know that the Sierra Club was sponsoring a film that was shown at The Maya called Blue Gold; World Water Wars.  A very worthwhile movie that talked about corporations trying to buy all the water in the world.  Some people have fought back and won.  Much more needs to be done.   I joined Barbara along with her friend Chris.   Two of her friends, Doris and Cindy, we saw right after the movie.  They had gone with us when we went to the Tejon Ranch Conservancy earlier this year.  This synopsis came from Wikipedia on the movie we saw:

Blue Gold: World Water Wars examines environmental and political implications of the planet's dwindling water supply, and posits that wars in the future will be fought over water.[4]The film also highlights some success stories of water activists around the world. 

At Chemo, I saw how they set up the coloring books and colored pencils. It was placed in a nice basket by the coffee. There have been several people who have used them. I'm happy about it, because it is a good stress reliever.  Some people have already decided to buy their own to do at home.

My Donation being put to Good Use

I met my friend Janet at Mexicali's.  I had gone to one of the art stores to replenish some of what I need.  I saw a coloring book of owls and this store had a sale of up to 60%.  Janet loves owls, so I bought the book and a set of 12 color pencils to get her started.  She does get stressed sometimes and I think this could help.

So that is it for the week.  It was a good week.  I hope your week went well and I will see you next Sunday.                         Rachel

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