Sunday, September 4, 2016

First Friday, What a Night!

I was talking with Marc on the phone and reading some of the recipes I get when they bring the organic vegetables and fruits every two weeks. As I was reading it, my mouth started watering. I decided to buy the ingredients I didn't have.  I made stuffed bell peppers that evening fairly late, but it was a good meal, and I had leftovers for three more days. This recipe was different in that the pepper, hamburger, onions, tomatoes and cheese were cooked before putting it together and then baking it. Really delicious. I was too full to eat the salad - butter lettuce tossed with a light oil and vinegar  then top with sliced strawberries and 2-3 ounces of crumbled feta cheese.  Delicious.  And, the final recipe, I haven't roasted cauliflower yet.  I think I will do it tonight. 

I got a call from my primary MD saying I needed to see her soon. I felt I have been seeing her.  I wonder if they increased the number of visits to twice a year.  So I saw her Thursday.  Though I don't have a bicuspid valve (which I had thought for years), I do have aortic stenosis.  She said normal was 2 mm.  Mine is 1.5 and we talk about surgery when it hits 1.0   Ugh.   Let's just call it old age and leg it go!

I also went in for my sixth month Prolia injection ( makes bones stronger) on Friday. 

I tackled too much that day and had a pretty bad backache.  It settled down after taking my pain medication. 

The Cedar Fire is very close to being contained.  The mandatory evacuation orders have been lifted.  Thank goodness!  It has been particularly bad for the people that live in those areas, and, some of them lost their homes.

I saw my pain doctor and asked him about the reaction I have when I don't take my meds- cold and hot flashes and I feel so tired I can sleep a long time!  I saw this as addiction, but he describes it as eating. "You get used to having, like a steak. The next day at that time, you'll have an urge for the steak if you don't get one."  Okay, I would call it addiction, even if I don't want to use it recreationally.  When I saw my primary doctor later in the week and told her about it.  She said "If you use it illegally, then it is an addiction.  If you are using it prescribed by a doctor, it is a dependence."   I am stuck with this pain if I don't take my pain medication.   Then I just want to stay in bed.    I am miserable and it doesn't seem like a quality life.  That is not acceptable to me, so I will continue to take my pain medication.  I am quite functional when I take my pain medication. Last summer I had cortisone injections in my back.  That helped a lot. I don't have that level of pain anymore. Now the government requires a pain doctor's evaluation every 6 months. They  said I had to have the second (and last) pneumonia shot also.  I didn't feel the injection, but where I had this injection became sore for a several days.  

Shelley, Janet and I went out for first Friday.  We were so lucky because the high was 92 degrees!  That may sound high, but it is not bad when you are having over 100 degrees most days.  We went to the bar at The Padre Hotel.  Their snacks were very good.  They had beer and I had wine.  We went to the Art Center which was jam-packed.   We wandered and  Shelley found some neat beach wear that was an incredible deal.  I found a great deal in a knit top and a red knit cap that looked fabulous.  Anyway, it was a lovely evening!  When the weather is good, this is a wonderful event!  This one classified as excellent!

By the Alley Cat, A Legend in Bakersfield

Janet and Me

Shelley and Me
Shelley in her beach scarf dress and foot decoration

We did not have art class this last week, or the week before.  But I did work on three that I had already done.  Also I did a little more on the roller skate shoe.  We will have class this Tuesday and we are going to focus on colored pencil.  So the skate I did was with no instruction.  I am really looking forward to learning about what I am doing.

Peacock Feather


Shoe Skate

So tomorrow is Labor Day.  We are having a barbecue.  It is also Kayla's 16th birthday.  So there is a lot so celebrate.  Her mom is baking her a cake!  The rest of us are bringing different food items to the table.  We always have a good time when we get together, so it should be good.

So that was it for the week.  I'm glad I will have an art class this week.  I am looking forward to seeing how you blend it all in. This last week was a lot of medical and there will be some more this week.  That is okay.  I really am doing quite well.  I hope your week went well and I look forward to you next week.                Rachel

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